Microblading Removal Buffalo NY - WNY Brow Couture
microblading removal buffalo ny

Microblading Removal Buffalo NY

Ok Ladies let’s face it, with the surge of new Permanent Brow techniques comes a surge of non experienced Artists. Not to dis - credit anyone but, permanent cosmetics is a meticulous Art that takes YEARS to learn. PMU takes even more years to gain proper knowledge of all skin types and procedures. Marie having over 10 years experience says ; “When I was trained an apprenticeship was a minimum of two years. I didn’t feel 100 % working on live models probably for two more years following that! It is unbelievable and scary that these girls are being Legally trained in a 2day -one week class and then let loose to people’s faces!”

Yes it is scary stuff!!! Microblading being only a few years old to the Permanent Cosmetic Industry doesn’t have proper regulations being so new. Although Microblading is semi permanent it is still a Tattoo! A traditional tattoo artist typically will undergo a minimum of 2years to Tattoo the body. They also have to be blood borne and Pathogen trained. Just because someone may be good at designing eyebrows, waxing or makeup does not make them a candidate to work on your face with needles.

At Brow Couture we see almost as many Removal clients as first time PMU & Microblading clients. Here are some examples of what we see due to lack of proper training:

Blue, Pink or Grey Brows:
This is due to an artist not using industry standards pigment. Also improper or lack of Color theory with different skin tones. Lack of experience with different skin textures. Also incorrect needle depth.

Brows too big, too thin, or asymmetrical:
Lack or experience, Knowledge of Facial Anatomy, bone structure and skin types. Also we classically see people who try to correct a mistake by making the opposite brow or eyelid bigger. This NEVER turns out well.

Raised, puffy or scared brow:
Due to improper after care, Pre procedure, the pigment was placed too deep, bleeding occurred, skin was over worked, incorrect needle size and position.

Hyper pigmentation or Redness for more then 1 week following the procedure:
Lack of experience and knowledge of clients skin type. Each skin type requires different, pigment, depth, and application. If your Tec is not familiar with this scale.....RUN.

About The Procedure

Salt / Saline can be used to lighten tattoos in any area, including hands and even eyeliner areas. We may lighten up to a 4x4 size in just one sitting and on any color of skin. The area is tattooed in a similar process as getting the tattoo in the first place, and a salt paste is put on the tattoo area after being tattooed in the dermis. The salt draws the pigment to the surface of the skin where it will eventually shed and will eventually fade away. This method is much safer than many laser removal treatments, especially for darker skin types.

Salt / Saline removal is by far more affordable than laser removal. With only one or two treatments we can fade your tattoo light enough to make almost any desirable tattoo cover up possible! This is a major benefit for you and your artist. With a traditional cover up, you may be limited to options and designs depending on the original tattoo. After the skin is healed having a Salt / Saline removal, your cover-up possibilities and design options almost limitless!

Clients should expect 3-4 treatments to get close to full removal. Another added bonus: this method can remove any ink color, laser can some times turn white to black and unwanted traces of red or green. The tattoo will be significantly lighter and could possibly fade completely over time. This treatment is safe for all skin types and has less risks of hyper/hypo pigmentation, blistering, and scaring than laser removal treatments. There will be a tenderness of the area for a few days. The area should scab over and heal over the course of a few weeks. Fading will continue over a course of several months.


Microblading Clients


Tattoos Removed


Clients Certified


Years Experience

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Cosmetic and Paramedical Services

Opening Time

If you feel tired and stressed after a working day, we are happy to give you an enjoyable and healthy solution to find your balance again

  • Mon-Fri: 9 AM – 5 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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